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What You Need To Know About The Egg Crate Making Machine

With more and more people getting into the business of making and selling egg crates, the egg crate-making machine has become one of the most popular manufacturing machines on the market. If you are looking to start your own business, then investing in an egg crate machine can prove to be a very lucrative decision. Given the ever-increasing demand for eggs and egg crates, there is a big market for these products. Many entrepreneurs who have gotten into the business of making and selling egg crates are reaping big profits, even more than they ever anticipated. With the right equipment and business strategy, you will be well on your way to financial freedom.

Raw Materials

The egg crate-making machine uses different kinds of waste paper ( books, newspapers, cartons, old magazines, recycled and used egg trays, etc.) and water as its raw materials. Compared to other materials used in the making of most other products, these materials are much cheaper and more readily available, meaning that you will be spending very little on raw materials. Thus, with the low overall production costs thanks to the cheap raw materials, your business will be able to gain an extraordinary return on investment. If you wanna know more about this machine, please visit our website:

Affordable Egg Tray Making Machine for Sale
Affordable Egg Crate Making Machine for Sale

Types of Egg Crate Making Machine

The egg crate-making machine is generally categorized into three groups: manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic. All of these are designed to cater to different client needs, budgets, and requirements.

The manual egg carton making machine is the least expensive type of egg crate-making machine. It requires the workers to manually take out the wet trays after they have been formed and dry them out in the sun. It typically has a production capacity of fewer than 1,500 crates per hour. While it might be cheap initially, it may cost you more in terms of labor and space.

The semi-automatic egg crate-making machine is much more efficient than the manual type and requires less labor. Here, once the crates have been formed, the workers place the wet trays on a conveyor belt which moves them to the drying system.

The fully automated egg crate-making machine is the most expensive type of egg crate machine. In this machine, all the processes from pulping to drying and stacking are automated. The egg crates come out on the other side dry – the drying process typically takes about 20 mins. Due to this level of automation, they require fewer worker, which means lower labor costs. In addition, they generally have a much higher production capacity of up to 7,000 crates per hour. This means that you will be able to reach your production requirements much faster.

Beston Efficient Egg Crate Making Machine
Beston Efficient Egg Crate Making Machine

Uses of the Egg Tray Making Machine

What you may not realize is that the application of the pulp molding machine isn’t limited to making egg crates alone. By switching the mould, you can also make other items such as egg trays, disposable dinner plates, coffee cup trays, fruit trays, inner packaging of electronic products, and so on. With a wide range of offerings, you will be able to increase your profits and the demand for your business.